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Russian FSB underground liquidated in Kherson: Missiles and air bombs used

Russian FSB underground liquidated in Kherson: Missiles and air bombs used Ukrainian Security Service liquidated Russia's FSB underground in Kherson (Photo: facebook com SecurSerUkraine)

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has neutralized an anti-Ukrainian underground group. Its members were directing missiles and guided bombs from Russia to residential buildings in Kherson, according to the SSU.

"The Security Service conducted a multi-stage special operation, as a result of which an underground center of the Russian FSB was neutralized in Kherson," the statement said.

According to the special service, all three participants of the hostile group, responsible for adjusting artillery and missile-bomb strikes on the city, were successfully detained.

Members of the Underground group

According to the investigation, the organizer and leader of the local anti-Ukrainian Underground was a former entrepreneur who switched sides after the city was captured.

"At that time, he became a "master" for the occupation 'Kherson Railway of the Russian Federation,' where he carried out technological work for the movement of trains with military equipment from the aggressor country," the SSU revealed.

Working for the occupiers, their accomplice entered the sights of the Russian FSB, which soon recruited him.

After the city's liberation, the traitor went underground for a while but later established remote communication with his 'curator' from the temporarily occupied left bank of the Kherson region and received tasks from him.

Upon the aggressor's instructions, he created his group of informants, involving two pro-Russian residents of the regional center. One of them participated in staged shootings for the Kremlin's mouthpiece, "RIA Novosti," during the city's capture.

Consequences of the traitors' work

After the formation of the hostile group, its members began determining the coordinates of compact housing and citizens' residences in Kherson. They were also interested in the central locations and movement routes of the Defense Forces in the city and its surroundings. The obtained information was transmitted to the aggressor through anonymous messengers.

"It was based on their coordinates that at the end of September this year, the occupiers destroyed two private residential buildings and damaged five more in the regional center. As a result of the enemy shelling, about 10 peaceful residents sustained injuries of varying degrees of severity," the SSU added.

The case against the Underground

The hostile group leader has been informed of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. His two accomplices are suspected under Part 2 of Article 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Arrest of traitors in Kherson

Recall that Kherson was de-occupied in November 2022. Since then, the SBU has constantly arrested traitors who sided with the invaders. Earlier, the SSU in Kherson detained a nurse who worked for the FSB and leaked personal data of Ukrainian defenders to the enemy.

In addition, in May, law enforcement exposed and detained two traitors in the Kherson region who were planning an escape. Since the beginning of the war, the SSU has identified over 2,000 traitors who committed state betrayal and collaborated with the enemy.