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Russian command repeatedly exaggerates successes in war against Ukraine - ISW

Russian command repeatedly exaggerates successes in war against Ukraine - ISW Russian military (photo: Getty Images)

Russian military command has repeatedly exaggerated the territorial gains of the Russian army in its war against Ukraine, according to a report from the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Analysts have highlighted that Sergei Shoigu, Russia's Secretary of the Security Council and former Defense Minister, has overstated Russian military successes in Ukraine since mid-June 2024.

On August 6, Shoigu claimed that Russian forces had seized 420 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory since June 14, 2024, when Russian President Vladimir Putin set uncompromising demands for Ukraine's capitulation as a precondition for so-called peace talks.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) found evidence indicating that Russian forces had captured approximately 290 square kilometers since June 14, not 420 as claimed by Shoigu.

Additionally, analysts noted that Russian forces intensified their attacks in the Toretsk direction on the night of June 18 after showing minimal activity in this sector of the front throughout 2024.

The ISW also reported that no major or operationally significant Russian successes have been observed in the Toretsk or Avdiivka directions since July 14, although Russian troops have achieved tactical gains in these areas since that date.