ua en ru

Russian authorities search for Ukrainian children not enrolled in Russian schools - NRC

Russian authorities search for Ukrainian children not enrolled in Russian schools - NRC Russian military (photo: Getty Images)

The enemy in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine is searching for children whose parents have not enrolled them in Russian schools, reports the National Resistance Center.

According to the information resource, representatives of the occupation administrations, accompanied by military personnel, have been touring villages in the temporarily occupied territories of southern Ukraine.

During these raids, they searched for families whose children did not attend the occupied schools. When such families were identified, the parents were subjected to preventive talks.

The Russian authorities specifically threatened to revoke parental rights. Additionally, they checked phones for any evidence of Ukrainian schooling apps. FSB officers conducted separate interviews with the parents.

"The National Resistance Center urges people to report those who pressure parents and push children into education centers of Russian propaganda," the Center added.

In the occupied Luhansk region, the Russians have established a new school movement to exert control over Ukrainian children. Starting September 1, every class will have a first squad, subordinate to the Kremlin's first movement. According to the National Resistance Center, participation in this squad is both voluntary and coercive.