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Russians attack on Zaporizhzhia region: 3 killed, 1 injured

Russians attack on Zaporizhzhia region: 3 killed, 1 injured Russian forces keep shelling in the Zaporizhzhia region (

Russian forces keep shelling residential areas in the Zaporizhzhia region. Over the past day, three people were killed as a result of enemy attacks, as the head of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration Yurii Malashko wrote on Telegram.

"The occupants chaotically targeted 16 settlements. The enemy attacked Zaporizhzhia city during the night, causing damage to civilian infrastructure," he wrote.

The Russians shelled Levadne and Novodarivka with multiple rocket launcher systems. 56 artillery strikes hit the territory of the front-line cities and villages, including Orikhove, Hulyaipole, Zaliznychne, Chervone, Charivne, Malynivka, and Stepnohirsk. 31 residential buildings were destroyed.


"Unfortunately, three civilians were killed - a 66-year-old woman in Novodanylivka, a 51-year-old man in Orikhove, and a 66-year-old man in Mala Tokmachka," wrote the official.

Additionally, a 52-year-old injured man was evacuated from Orikhove to a medical facility.

The situation in the Zaporizhzhia region

Zaporizhzhia region is partially under Russian occupation since the start of the full-scale invasion. The occupiers regularly launch attacks on the territory controlled by Ukraine.

Explosions in Berdiansk

The Russians captured Berdiansk in the Zaporizhzhia region during the early weeks of the full-scale invasion. They have modified the city port into their military base.

However, explosions have been heard in the occupied city recently, and there were reports of an attack on the Russian military bases.