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Russian army would be stronger post-war than it is now - NATO top general

Russian army would be stronger post-war than it is now - NATO top general Russian soldiers (photo: Getty Images)

Regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia's army will be stronger than it is today. And we need to prepare for this, states the commander of NATO forces in Europe Christopher Cavoli.

The general emphasized that despite the serious losses at the front, Russian troops will become a dangerous enemy for the Alliance.

“At the end of the war in Ukraine, no matter how it would look like, the Russian army will be stronger than it is today,” he said.

According to the top NATO general, the military bloc should have no illusions about Russia's military strength, as the Russian armed forces are training, improving and applying the experience of war.

Cavoli called on NATO to prepare quickly for this threat, as Russia will be an adversary with serious military capabilities and “clear intentions.”

“That's why we need to be prepared and we need armed forces that can stand up to it,” the general said.

The Supreme Allied Commander Europe added that the new Alliance defense plans and related additional requirements for individual NATO member states need to be implemented quickly. The general clarified that by “quickly” he meant that the military bloc should be faster than the Russians.

Bloomberg recently reported that a total of 14 NATO member states in the east have increased their defense spending to unprecedented levels since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This year alone, they will amount to $70 billion.

Also recently, Finnish President Alexander Stubb announced the formation of NATO 3.0. According to him, in the current geopolitical environment, NATO is returning to the primary task for which the Alliance was created. It is about addressing threats from the East.