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Russian army massively shells Kherson, well-known library destroyed

Russian army massively shells Kherson, well-known library destroyed Photo: Russian army destroyed a well-known library in Kherson (

On November 12, the Russian army once again struck Kherson. Kherson Oles Honchar Regional Universal Scientific Library came under attack, says the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin.

"One of the hits - on the regional library named after Honchar. The building has significant damage," he noted.

As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out in the library. Firefighters spent over an hour and a half extinguishing the flames.

According to Prokudin, no one was injured due to the enemy attack. In the published photos, it is evident that the library building is severely damaged, with windows broken and some structures destroyed.

Photo: Russian army destroyed a well-known library in Kherson (

Oleksandr Prokudin reported that in the morning, occupiers struck the Dniprovskyi district of Kherson. A 64-year-old man died on his property. He suffered an explosive injury.

The deceased man's wife was hospitalized. The 64-year-old woman has explosive, closed head injuries, shrapnel wounds to the legs, and a concussion. Her condition is of moderate severity.

Liberation of Kherson

A year ago, Ukrainian defenders successfully conducted a counteroffensive in the south of our country. The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to liberate the right-bank part of the Kherson region from the occupying forces. In particular, Kherson returned under Ukrainian control. It was one of the regional centers that was occupied by Russians in February-March 2022.

The occupation of Kherson and the right-bank part of the region lasted eight months. Currently, Russian forces continue to shell the de-occupied territories daily.