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Russia wants to bring back death penalty: Putin's decree is enough

Russia wants to bring back death penalty: Putin's decree is enough Photo: Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, has proposed to lift the moratorium on the death penalty. He said that only a decree by Russian President Vladimir Putin would be enough for this, according to Interfax.

According to Bastrykin, in his country, in certain cases, it is worth considering the use of the death penalty. He mentioned Soviet times when the death penalty could be imposed for killing several people.

"We need to consider the possibility of lifting the moratorium on the death penalty. In some cases, it is necessary to apply it, and in those cases, I am a supporter of the death penalty... The terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall resulted in 144 deaths. Whereas in Soviet times the death penalty could be imposed for killing two or three people, these defendants would receive a maximum of life imprisonment," he said.

He also mentioned discussing the return of the death penalty with lawyers, who said that changing laws in Russia would be necessary for its reinstatement. However, Bastrykin believes that a decree from Putin would be enough.

Earlier Bastrykin stated that Russia had sent about 10,000 immigrants who had recently received citizenship to the front lines in Ukraine, following efforts to enforce compulsory military registration among its new citizens.