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Russia to be held accountable for organizing 'elections' in occupied territories

Russia to be held accountable for organizing 'elections' in occupied territories Permanent Representative of the EU to the UN Olof Skoog (photo:

Russia, its political leadership, and other individuals involved in organizing "elections" in the occupied territories will be held accountable, states Olof Skoog, the Permanent Representative of the EU to the United Nations, during a meeting of the UN Security Council.

"Russia, its political leadership, and other individuals involved in the organization of these illegal so-called elections will face consequences for these unlawful actions," stated Skoog.

He also emphasized that pseudo-elections are taking place "against the backdrop of Russia's forced and illegal issuance of passports, including to children," as well as widespread and systematic human rights violations in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

"Russian illegal so-called elections in the territories of Ukraine under temporary military occupation are meaningless, according to international law. They cannot and will not be recognized," he added.

"Elections" in the occupied territories

On September 10, elections of various levels will take place in the Russian Federation, including by-elections for State Duma deputies, elections for heads of several regions, and members of legislative bodies. At the same time, occupiers plan to conduct pseudo-voting in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Central Election Commission of Ukraine previously stated that the occupiers are bringing "activists," political technologists, and observers from Russia for this purpose. Recently, it has also become known that all 'police' personnel in the regions were called back from vacation during these dates.

In the United States, a response was issued regarding the plans of the aggressors, stating that all individuals involved in these "elections" risk facing sanctions.