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Russia strikes Sloviansk with cluster munitions, causing power outages

Russia strikes Sloviansk with cluster munitions, causing power outages Photo: Russians fired cluster munitions at Sloviansk on August 29 (illustration/Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops shelled Sloviansk in the Donetsk region with cluster munitions, News of Donbas reports.

According to the media, citing residents, Russian troops struck Sloviansk with cluster munitions.

Russian shelling caused a power outage in some areas.

Use of cluster munitions by Russia

Cluster munitions (cluster bombs, cluster munitions, cluster shells) are munitions, in a type of container containing from two to several hundred of the same type of cluster munitions, which are scattered at a given height above the ground. They thus provide a larger area of damage compared to a monoblock munition.

According to open sources, cluster munitions are widely used in all types of munitions, including aerial bombs and artillery shells, MLRS rockets, and tactical missile warheads. Although cluster munitions were banned globally in 2008, as regulated by the relevant convention, Russia continues to use them in attacks on Ukraine.

On April 29, 2024, Russia struck Odesa with an Iskander-M cluster munition ballistic missile. 5 people were killed, 32 others were injured, 25 of them hospitalized. In addition, Russia had subsonic cruise missiles with Kh-59 cluster warheads in its arsenal, and in June 2024, Kh-101 missiles also had cluster warheads.

Russian shelling of Sloviansk

Russian troops are constantly shelling Sloviansk in the Donetsk region.

On August 27, Russian troops fired on the territory near the Kharkiv-Dovzhansk highway. There were three explosions. There were no casualties, but a petrol station, three cars, and a hotel building were damaged.

In April, Russia attacked an industrial area in Sloviansk. 2 people were injured.