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Russia strikes Kramatorsk with MLRS: One person under rubble

Russia strikes Kramatorsk with MLRS: One person under rubble Photo: Russians hit Kramatorsk (

Russian forces have shelled Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region, targeting the city with a Smerch multiple launch rocket system, reports the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadym Filashkin, on Telegram.

Filashkin noted that five explosions were recorded in Kramatorsk. The strikes hit a two-story building and an industrial area, with debris damaging a gas pipeline.

According to preliminary reports, one person is trapped under the rubble. Rescue operations are currently underway at the site.

Oleksandr Honcharenko, head of the Kramatorsk local military administration, reported that rescuers have freed the person trapped under the debris. The individual's condition is critical.

Recent attacks on Ukraine

Recently, Russian forces have intensified their shelling of frontline and border regions in Ukraine. Russian aviation has been dropping both guided and unguided bombs, against which Ukraine currently has no defense.

Today, August 17, Russian forces struck the city of Sumy, igniting a fire that engulfed several vehicles and injured two people.

Additionally, Russian forces continue to attack Ukraine almost nightly with drones. Last night was no exception, as the Russian military launched 14 Shahed drones - they all were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense systems across six regions of the country.