ua en ru

Russia strikes industrial facility in Poltava region overnight

Russia strikes industrial facility in Poltava region overnight Photo: Russia attacks an industrial facility in Poltava region on August 30 (illustration/Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian occupiers shelled an industrial facility in the Poltava region on the night of August 30, according to the head of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, Filip Pronin.

"At night on August 30 Russia attacked an industrial facility in the Poltava region with drones," he says.

According to him, fortunately, no one was injured in the Russian attack.

Russian attack on Ukraine

On the evening of Thursday, August 29, Russian occupiers launched attack drones into Ukraine for another attack. An air alert was declared in many regions of Ukraine. In particular, Russian drones were moving towards Poltava and Sumy regions.

On the morning of Friday, August 30, it became known that the Russian invaders had attacked Sumy. As a result of the Russian attack, a fire broke out and smoke was detected, and there were also casualties.