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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of May 19: Over 1,200 militaries, 16 tanks, air defense systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of May 19: Over 1,200 militaries, 16 tanks, air defense systems Ukrainian military (photo: GettyImages)

During the period from May 18 to May 19, Russia's losses in the war in Ukraine amounted to 1,210 soldiers. Additionally, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 35 combat armored vehicles, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022, to May 19, 2024, are estimated as follows:

  • personnel - 492,290 (+1,210);
  • tanks - 7,576 (+16);
  • armoured personnel vehicles - 14,630 (+35);
  • artillery systems - 12,687 (+48);
  • MLRS - 1,074 (+3);
  • anti-aircraft warfare systems - 803 (+2);
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 10,155 (+47);
  • cruise missiles - 2,204 (+1);
  • vehicles & fuel tankers - 17,251 (+82);
  • special equipment - 2,077 (+2).

На зображенні може бути: текст «npoTRrom 24.02.22 -19.05.2024 OPICHTOBHI BTPATИ nPoTиBHиKA CKЛAЛИ ~492290 +1210 oco6oBoro oco6oBorocKлaAy cKлaAy personnel 354 .B aircraft 7576 +16 HKиB tanks 326 reлиKonTep.B helicopters 10155 +47 6nЛA onepaTиBHo-TaKTи4Horo pиBHR UAV operational-tactical level 14630+35 +35 6oйoBиx 6poHboBaHиx mawиH armoured personnel vehicle 2204 +1 Kpилa paKeTи cruise missiles 12687 +48 apTилepйcbKиxc cиcTem artillery artillerysystems systems 26 Kopa6л/KaTepи warships/boats 1 n.ABoAHί 4oBHи submarines 1074 +3 PC3B MLRS 17251 +82 aoTomo6илbHa TexHиKa Ta AиcTepHи 3nMM vehicles & fuel tanks 803 +2 3aco6иnno nno anti-aircraft warfare systems 2077+2 +2 cneuиaлbHaTexиKa cneuиaлbHa TexHиKa specialequipment special equipment 나 reHepaлbHий wTa6 36poйHиx Cил yKpaeHи»

According to analysts at ISW, Russian forces aim to capture Vovchansk, as this would provide a tactical advantage for advancing in the Kharkiv region.