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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 20: +1,330 troops, 26 APVs, 52 artillery systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 20: +1,330 troops, 26 APVs, 52 artillery systems Ukrainian military (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

Over the past 24 hours, from August 19 to 20, Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine amounted to 1,330 soldiers, 26 armored personnel vehicles, and 52 artillery systems, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As of August 20, 2024, the total Russian combat losses since February 24, 2022, are estimated as follows:

  • Personnel: approximately 601,800 (+1,330)
  • Tanks: 8,518 (+5)
  • APV (Armored personnel vehicles): 16,521 (+26)
  • Artillery systems: 17,521 (+52)
  • MLRS (Multiple launch rocket systems): 1,166 (+1)
  • Anti-aircraft warfare systems: 926 (+1)
  • Aircraft: 367
  • Helicopters: 328
  • UAVs operational-tactical level: 13,684 (+55)
  • Cruise missiles: 2,438 (+1)
  • Warships/boats: 28
  • Submarines: 1
  • Vehicles and fuel tankers: 23,142 (+95)
  • Special equipment: 2,885 (+22)

On August 19, Russian forces surpassed a new milestone, with their losses in the war against Ukraine exceeding 600,000 soldiers.

Additionally, as of the evening of August 19, 154 combat engagements were recorded on the front lines over the previous 24 hours, with over a third occurring in the Pokrovske direction.