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Russia must pay for destruction it caused in Ukraine - Estonian PM

Russia must pay for destruction it caused in Ukraine - Estonian PM Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russia must pay for the damage it has caused Ukraine, according to Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal.

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal held a joint press conference where Mihal expressed strong support for Ukraine in its confrontation with Russia.

Michal emphasized that the European Union must increase defense spending to effectively counter threats from Russia.

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, in turn, stated that Ukraine has every right to defend its territory, including conducting operations beyond its borders, such as in the Kursk region.

Michal fully agreed with this position, noting that Russia remains a constant threat.

"[Russian dictator Vladimir] Putin respects only strength," Orpo added, stressing the importance of unity and resolve among European countries.

Michal also emphasized the need for Russia to be held accountable for the damage it has inflicted on Ukraine.

Estonia supports Ukraine during war

Estonia continues to provide comprehensive support to Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression. Tallinn not only provides humanitarian, military, and financial aid but also continues to welcome Ukrainian refugees and actively supports Ukraine on the international stage.

In June, Ukraine signed a security guarantee agreement with Estonia.

Additionally, Estonia's Ambassador to Ukraine, Annely Kolk, expressed Tallinn's readiness to consider the possibility of sending its military forces to Ukraine.