Russia may be preparing operation to destabilize situation in Moldova - ISW

Russia may use Transnistria to prepare informational conditions for an operation to destabilize the situation in Moldova, according to an ISW report.
In the so-called Ministry of State Security (MSS) of Transnistria, a press release was published on January 12, claiming that Moldovan special forces are allegedly preparing "special combat groups" to sabotage critical infrastructure, carry out diversions at military facilities, and capture or eliminate high-ranking officials and law enforcement officers.
ISW analysts had previously reported that the Ministry of State Security is an organization whose members likely receive orders directly from Moscow. The MSS and official figures in Transnistria have previously made similar, less escalatory statements, presumably as part of Kremlin efforts to create informational conditions aimed at destabilizing the situation in Moldova and justifying any future Russian campaigns in the region.
Incident on the Transnistria-Ukraine border
On Wednesday, January 10, the unrecognized Ministry of State Security of Transnistria reported a shooting incident on the border of the unrecognized republic with Ukraine on January 7. After the shooting, two Transnistrians allegedly found themselves on the territory of Ukraine. However, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported that they did not record such incidents.
In mid-December, Moldova began military training at the Bulboaca Training Center, located near Transnistria.