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Russia does not want peace, we need to accelerate and protect Ukraine - Danish PM

Russia does not want peace, we need to accelerate and protect Ukraine - Danish PM Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine cannot win the war without weapons, and the world must speed up and increase its support, states the Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen.

Frederiksen noted that, in her opinion, the world is not doing enough to enable Ukraine to expel the aggressor from its territories.

"Are we doing enough? The answer is no. When we say that "there has been a war in Europe for two years", this is a sentence we should not say. We should be supporting you much more, because Ukraine cannot win the war without weapons. Words are not enough," she emphasized.

According to the Prime Minister, the most important thing is to understand that Russia is not looking for peace. She noted that even now Russia continues to transform itself into a wartime economy.

"Russia does not want peace and we must understand this. Russia does not want peace and it is now transforming itself into a wartime economy. That is why we need to accelerate. No matter what happens in the US, Europe must be ready to defend itself. And to protect ourselves, we must protect Ukraine, because Ukraine is Europe. We no longer need words, we need decisions," the Prime Minister emphasized.

Munich Security Conference

This year, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is personally participating in the Munich Security Conference. Last year, he spoke online.

Today, the President spoke at the Munich Security Conference. The main topic was the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The head of state also made several statements about Avdiivka, Trump, and Putin.

Read our article to find out what Zelenskyy said at the Munich conference.

In Munich, the president also met with the prime ministers of Denmark and the Netherlands, the president of Azerbaijan, and the vice president of the United States.