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Russia deploys 7 ships to Black and Azov Seas, including missile carriers

Russia deploys 7 ships to Black and Azov Seas, including missile carriers Russian ship (
Author: Maria Kholina

As of the morning of June 24, there are 7 Russian ships present in the Black and Azov Seas. Several of these vessels are equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles, according to the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to military sources, as of six in the morning, the following were observed:

  • In the Black Sea: 1 enemy ship equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles, though without missiles on board;
  • In the Azov Sea: 6 enemy ships, 2 of which are equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo capacity of up to 16 missiles.

Meanwhile, no enemy ships were reported in the Mediterranean Sea.

Additionally, the Navy reported that within the past day, the following transits through the Kerch Strait occurred in Russia's interests:

  • To the Black Sea: 7 vessels, 3 of which continued towards the Bosporus Strait;
  • To the Azov Sea: 7 vessels, with 1 coming from the Bosporus Strait.

Russian war correspondents have criticized the Russian Ministry of Defense for failing to prevent the June 23 attack on Crimea, specifically Sevastopol, and for not adequately protecting the civilian population.

Previously, RBC-Ukraine reported that explosions were heard for the second time in a day on the evening of June 23 in temporarily occupied Crimea.