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Rice cakes: Health benefits and all about them

Rice cakes: Health benefits and all about them Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Rice cakes have become a popular snack, particularly for those aiming to lose weight or maintain a healthy body. Often used as a bread substitute, it’s worth exploring whether they are as healthy as they are often perceived, citing Eat This, Not That!

Are rice cakes healthy?

Incorporating rice cakes into your daily diet offers a quick source of carbohydrates with minimal added sugar (depending on the flavor). Made from puffed rice pressed into cakes, they come in various types, with the most common being plain rice and salt.

One brown rice cake typically contains:

  • Calories: 35
  • Carbohydrates: 7.3g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0.4g
  • Protein: 0.7g
  • Fats: 0.3g
  • Niacin: 4% of daily value
  • Magnesium: 3% of daily value
  • Phosphorus: 3% of daily value
  • Manganese: 17% of daily value

Additionally, rice cakes contain vitamin E, B6, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, zinc, potassium, copper, and selenium.

Caloric content

A single rice cake (9g) contains 35 calories, primarily from carbohydrates. For comparison, a slice of whole-grain bread (28g) contains 69 calories. Two rice cakes provide roughly 18g of food compared to 56g from two slices of bread. Essentially, the calorie difference may come from simply eating less.

Health benefits

Low-energy-density carbohydrate source

Rice cakes are mostly air, allowing you to eat a larger portion with fewer calories. Low-energy-density foods are those with low fat, high fiber, and low calories, which can help you feel fuller, making them valuable for anyone trying to achieve or maintain a healthy weight or following a restricted diet.


Since rice is naturally gluten-free, rice cakes are too, making them a convenient snack or meal option.

Made from whole grains: Most rice cakes are made from whole-grain brown rice. A diet rich in whole grains is associated with a reduced risk of obesity or weight gain, a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and improved gut health.

Can increase blood sugar levels

The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food converts into glucose, the body's main energy source. Puffed rice has a GI of over 70, which is considered high.

Pairing ideas

Rice cakes can be paired with:

  • Cream cheese, sliced cucumber, and smoked salmon
  • Nut butter and sliced bananas
  • Sliced cheese and guacamole
  • Sliced turkey and tomatoes
  • Mashed avocado and egg
  • Tomato, mozzarella, and basil