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Results of night attack by Russia in Kharkiv: Clinic damaged and fire at educational institution reported

Results of night attack by Russia in Kharkiv: Clinic damaged and fire at educational institution reported The consequences of the Russian shelling of Kharkiv at night have become known (photo: Getty Images)

In Kharkiv, a clinic building was damaged, and a fire broke out at an educational institution due to an enemy airstrike carried out by Russian forces on the night of September 15. Fortunately, there were no casualties, according to Oleh Syniehubov, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration.

The official revealed details of the strikes in Kharkiv resulting from the Russian bombardment overnight.

"On September 15, around 00:13, the enemy hit the ground within the territory of a hospital in the Kyiv district. The glazing of the clinic building was damaged," he reported.

The head of the regional military administration also noted that approximately an hour earlier, at 23:20 on September 14, the Russian army launched two guided aerial bombs in the attack. This bombardment caused a fire at an educational institution's building in Kharkiv, as well as grass fires in the Kyiv district.

"Fortunately, there were no casualties. We thank all emergency services for addressing the aftermath of the strikes," the official added.

Nighttime shelling of Kharkiv

Earlier reports indicated that late on September 14, Kharkiv was hit by multiple explosions from an enemy air raid. Local authorities later confirmed that the strikes occurred in the Kyiv district, with no reports of casualties.

The Regional Military Administration also informed that Russian forces launched at least two guided aerial bombs. Fires were recorded in non-residential areas at the site.