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Republican Santos becomes first expelled congressman in decades

Republican Santos becomes first expelled congressman in decades Photo: Republican George Santos (Getty Images)

The United States House of Representatives has decided to expel Republican George Santos from its ranks. This is the first such decision in 20 years, writes The Hill.

Santos became the sixth congressman ever to be expelled from the lower house of Congress. To achieve this, at least two-thirds of all members of the House of Representatives were required.

As a result, 311 members of the House of Representatives, including 105 Republicans, supported the expulsion of Santos. Another 114 legislators voted against.

As The Hill notes, Santos's expulsion creates problems for Republicans in the House of Representatives. Their fragile majority has become even more precarious as they lost one vote in the form of Santos.

Santos became the first expelled member of Congress since the Civil War of 1861-1865, who was not initially convicted of a serious crime.

About Santos

It is worth noting that George Santos is one of the most scandalous American congressmen.

He fabricated his biography before the elections - the official claimed to be Jewish, had a higher education, his grandmother and grandfather survived the Holocaust, and his mother allegedly survived the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

Later, journalists found out that Santos did not have a higher education, was not Jewish, like his ancestors, and his mother, a Brazilian citizen, was not on US territory during the 9/11 attack.

Congressman is also suspected of collecting funds for the treatment of a sick dog and a homeless veteran but kept the money for himself.

He is accused of 23 criminal episodes, including fraud, theft, and providing false information to the Federal Election Commission.

The House of Representatives failed several times to vote for Santos's removal from office.