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Railway bridge in Berdyansk blown up by partisans and Ukraine's Defense Intelligence - Source

Railway bridge in Berdyansk blown up by partisans and Ukraine's Defense Intelligence - Source Illustrative photo (

The railway bridge in temporarily occupied Berdyansk was blown up thanks to a special operation by the local resistance movement and the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. This bridge was used by the Russian army for transporting military cargo, according to an informed source.

Local residents reported several powerful explosions on social media on the evening of October 27.

"As a result of successful sabotage actions, the railway viaduct (bridge) located between the Vodokanal (water channel) building and the car wash on Skhidnyi Avenue was blown up," the source stated.

According to the source, the destruction of the bridge completely paralyzed rail traffic to Berdyansk, resulting in the inability to transport fuel, lubricants, weapons, and ammunition for the occupying forces in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian city.

"And although local occupation resources and propagandists claim that 'all the bridges are intact,' they show no photos of the supposedly intact bridge," the source added.

Partisans in Berdyansk

Russian troops captured Berdyansk in February 2022. Since then, a partisan resistance movement against the Russian invaders has been actively operating in the city.

In just the last month, there have been reports of such actions.

In particular, in early October, the traitorous judge Vitalii Lomeiko was eliminated in Berdiansk while he was in a blown-up car.