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Putin's speeches added into school curriculum in Russian-occupied Mariupol

Putin's speeches added into school curriculum in Russian-occupied Mariupol Vladimir Putin (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The speeches of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin will be shown to schoolchildren in the temporarily occupied Mariupol of the Donetsk region, according to the Mariupol City Council.

The occupiers systematically continue to impose their ideology on Mariupol's children. They hold 'Important talks' at schools, calling killers 'heroes,' and supply Russian textbooks to school libraries," the statement reads.

Reportedly, the so-called Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic has already released a plan for educational activities for 2024. They plan to educate children by showing video recordings of meetings between the Russian dictator and international criminal Putin with students.

What else will Russians tell schoolchildren in Mariupol

The city council specifies that students will be told about the liberation of the blockaded Leningrad from the Nazis during World War II.

"However, they forget to mention the blockade of Mariupol that the Russians imposed in the spring of 2022," the city council adds.

The situation in Mariupol

Russian forces captured Mariupol and the region in the spring of 2022 after months of intense fighting. Subsequently, the occupiers turned the devastated city into their military base. However, Mariupol still witnesses frequent explosions, partly due to the actions of partisans.

Recently, Ukrainian soldiers targeted enemy ammunition depots and equipment in the temporarily occupied city, which the enemy had placed in the territory of the former Chladokombinat in the Kalmius district. It was reported that 10 occupiers were eliminated in this operation.