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Putin decides to support Kursk region residents amid fighting: $100 payments announced

Putin decides to support Kursk region residents amid fighting: $100 payments announced Photo: Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Russian authorities have decided to pay 10 thousand rubles ($116) to those residents of the Kursk region who have left the dangerous areas of the region, stated Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Just recently, I spoke with the head of the government (Mikhail Mishustin - ed.). Let us consider that the decision to provide a one-time payment of 10,000 rubles to citizens in need has been made, and the necessary resources will be allocated," said Putin during talks with Acting Governor of Kursk Region Alexey Smirnov.

Putin also asked Smirnov to organize an assessment of the damage caused by the fighting. It was about "the loss of property and housing".

Fighting in the Kursk region

The active hostilities have been going on in the Kursk region for three days now. Residents of Russian border settlements are evacuating in panic, as the situation is extremely dangerous for them.

Against this backdrop, videos are being posted online where a resident of the town of Sudzha in the Kursk region (located nine kilometers from the border) complains that the authorities are not helping people leave and she must save herself on her own.

Also, yesterday, August 7, the authorities of the Kursk region decided to declare a state of emergency in the region.

Read more about the situation in the Kursk region in the material by RBC-Ukraine.