Powerful magnetic storm strikes Earth again: How it long will last

A red-level magnetic storm hit the Earth on Sunday, March 31. According to experts, this storm is expected to last for several days. People may experience health problems in the first days of April.
Sources used: Meteoagent, Spaceweather, and Space Weather Prediction Center.
Magnetic storm
Explosions and flares that regularly occur on the Sun lead to the release of large amounts of solar energy into space. This energy consists of charged particles (protons and electrons) that can travel rapidly in different directions, including toward the Earth.
When they reach the Earth's magnetosphere, activity occurs that scientists call solar and magnetic storms.
All storms are classified by an index - from K-1 to K-9. The higher the index, the more powerful the storm and the more negative consequences it has. All storms with a K-index above 5 are red-level storms that can disrupt the operation of communication sources - GPRS, towers, and satellites. Such storms also cause health problems for people.
Next storm
According to NOAA, TESIS, and international meteorological laboratories around the world, a K-index 5 storm hit the Earth on Sunday, March 31. On Monday, April 1, its intensity did not decrease, and geomagnetic activity will only decline on Tuesday, April 2.
According to some experts, the effects of this storm may be felt on Wednesday, April 3.
Storms in April
So far, we know only preliminary forecasts from experts, because geomagnetic weather is as unstable as the usual weather outside.
April 4-5 - a moderate storm that will not exceed K-index 4
April 10-11 - a weak magnetic storm
April 16-17 - moderate magnetic storm
April 21-22 - a powerful red-level storm with K-index 5
How magnetic storms affect people
Scientists have conducted many studies on the impact of magnetic storms on human life. Some of them confirm the relationship between intense magnetic storms and the deterioration of people's health. On such days, the most common complaints are weakness, headaches, migraines, and general malaise.
People also complain about:
- Sleep problems - insomnia at night and severe drowsiness during the day
- Fog in the head
- Dizziness
- Impaired concentration
- Quick fatigue
- Increased anxiety
- Aggression and irritation
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
However, magnetic storms pose the greatest danger to astronauts who are outside the Earth's shielding zone. They can be exposed to high levels of radiation, which increases the risk of cancer many times over.
How to protect yourself from magnetic storm
Doctors usually give general health recommendations during magnetic storms. Following these tips will allow you to get through such days without any special consequences.
What to do:
- Follow a normal daily routine
- Sleep at least 7-9 hours a day
- Follow a full and normal diet
- Drink enough water
- Do not abuse coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, spicy and junk food
- Monitor your health condition
- Get more rest, if necessary, reduce physical activity
- Walk in the fresh air and ventilate the room
- Do not be nervous and reduce psycho-emotional stress
- Seek medical help if necessary.