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Polish President: Tanks transferred to Ukraine are fighting near Kursk

Polish President: Tanks transferred to Ukraine are fighting near Kursk Polish President Andrzej Duda (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Polish tanks that were transferred to Ukraine are on the battlefield. PT-91 “Tverdyi” tanks are now fighting in the Kursk region, states Polish President Andrzej Duda.

Duda emphasized that Poland is watching with emotion as Ukraine uses the assistance provided by them to win on the battlefield.

“We are watching with emotion how the PT-91 Tverdyi tanks we have donated are defending Ukraine on the battlefield, fighting in the Kursk area, where Ukraine is showing that it has strength and can counterattack, when it shows that war cannot be unpunished,” the Polish president said.

Independence Day of Ukraine

Today is August 24, which means that Ukrainians are celebrating the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

On the occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day, one of our partners, namely the President of Poland, arrived in Kyiv.

During his speech, Duda expressed hope that Russia's war against Ukraine would soon come to an end.

The operation in the Kursk region

It has been several weeks since the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been conducting an offensive in the Kursk region. It is now known that more than 90 settlements in Russia are now under the control of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has outlined the main objectives of the operation in the Kursk region.