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Poland offers Orban to withdraw from EU and NATO and form alliance with Putin

Poland offers Orban to withdraw from EU and NATO and form alliance with Putin Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Russian leader Vladimir Putin (photo: Getty Images)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland suggested that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban form an alliance with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Teofil Bartoszewski responded to recent statements by Orban, who criticized the “wrong” policies of the EU and the West, as well as Poland's “hypocrisy.”

The representative of the Polish Foreign Ministry emphasized that, unlike the Hungarian prime minister, his country does not do business with Russia after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as it was an attack “on Poland, the USA, the European Union and NATO.”

In addition, the diplomat expressed doubt about the need for Hungary's membership in the EU and NATO. He said that he did not understand why Orban's country wanted to remain a member of organizations that it disliked so much and that allegedly treated Hungary badly.

“Why doesn't (Orban - Ed.) create a Union with Putin and some authoritarian states of this type? It's like this: if you don't want to be a member of a club, you can always leave,” Bartoszewski said.

The Polish Deputy Foreign Minister also reminded that Viktor Orban is currently blocking 2 billion zlotys that Poland is supposed to receive from the EU as compensation for the military equipment that the country has transferred to Ukraine.

“They are waiting there to compensate for our military aid to Ukraine. And he is blocking it and says he will continue to block it. They used to say that 'a Pole and a Hungarian are two brothers', and here is such a big quarrel in the family,” Bartoszewski summarized.

The EU is moving meetings of the bloc's foreign and defense ministers from Budapest to Brussels. This is due to Orban's position and his so-called “peace” tour, when, while in Kyiv, he suggested that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stop resisting the Russian invasion, lay down his arms and agree to “peace talks.”

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that EU foreign ministers would discuss how to respond to Orban's trips to Russia and China, as well as Hungary's position on the role of the EU and Ukraine.