Photo of Ukrainian soldier in Kyiv subway goes viral and becomes symbol of 2023

A photo of a Ukrainian soldier on an escalator in the Kyiv metro has quickly gained popularity on social media after Bogdan Kudrenko took the shot and posted it on Instagram.
The photo captures a soldier in uniform walking up the escalator, while other people wait for the escalator to take them up. The photo has already been dubbed the "symbol of the year," but everyone sees their own meaning in it.
A soldier in the Kyiv metro became the symbol of the year (
What Ukrainians think about the photo
In the comments, people wrote that it's a very powerful and symbolic shot.
- The symbolism is overwhelming: the soldier is a person who chose a harder path so that dozens of others could have an easier one. My respect and honor to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
- It's painful to see how our society is becoming detached from the war.
- A photo that has gone viral everywhere. A very powerful photo.
- Powerful photo because it highlights the problem - sore spot of society that is about to burst.
- The meanings are clear. Most people take the path of least resistance. The military demonstrates to the majority that those who don't seek easy paths reach the top. The meanings easily extrapolate to war, attitudes, victory, peace, and so on. Relevant to our reality. Question: did the last escalator work? Why is there such a long line on it?
- To be honest, I got goosebumps. Such a moment captured here. Thank you for seeing and sharing.
- Powerful. On the right are those who are tired of the war.