Pediatrician explains what baby should be able to do at one month

The first month of life is a period of adaptation for all systems to autonomous existence. Therefore, providing the baby with optimally comfortable conditions is essential to ensure successful adaptation. It is also important to know what a child should be able to do at this age, Ukrainian pediatrician Daria Vlasenko reports.
The first month of life is a period of adaptation for all systems to autonomous existence. Therefore, providing the baby with optimally comfortable conditions is essential to ensure successful adaptation. It is also important to know what a child should be able to do at this age, Ukrainian pediatrician Daria Vlasenko reports.
What child should be able to do at one month
According to the doctor, by the end of the first month, the baby will become much more attentive and sensitive than at birth. Gradually, the child will begin to move their body more smoothly and with greater coordination, especially bringing the hand to the mouth.
"You will notice that the baby listens when you talk, watches you when you hold them, and occasionally moves their body to respond to you or attract your attention," added the expert.
Motor skills:
- Makes sharp and trembling movements with the hands;
- Places hands within the range of eyes and mouth;
- Moves head side to side when lying on the stomach;
- Head falls backward if unsupported;
- Keeps hands in clenched fists;
- Reflexive movements are pronounced;
- Facial expressions: purses lips, raises eyebrows, widens or narrows eyes, and furrows brows.
Vision and hearing skills:
- Focuses at a distance of 20.3 to 30.4 cm;
- Eyes move actively, and pupils sometimes converge;
- Prefers black-and-white or high-contrast patterns;
- Prefers human faces over all other images;
- Hearing is fully mature;
- Recognizes certain sounds, startles at loud noises;
- May react to familiar sounds and voices.
Smell and touch:
- Prefers sweet smells;
- Avoids bitter or sour smells;
- Recognizes the smell of their mother's breast milk;
- Prefers soft and tactile things;
- Dislikes rough or abrupt handling.
How much should baby sleep
The pediatrician noted that at the age of 1 month, a baby will sleep 14 to 17 hours a day. For many infants, this averages around 15.5 hours, with 8 to 9 hours of nighttime sleep and 7 hours of daytime sleep.
However, one-month-old babies usually do not sleep many hours in a row. Irregular sleep patterns are normal for infants from birth to 3 months of age.
Every day, the child processes a massive flow of information from all sensory organs – which is why it is very important to provide the necessary sensory experiences.
Do not be afraid that you are holding the baby in your arms too much, as it is essential for them – tactile sensations, movement in space, and warmth. All of these contribute to development and a sense of safety.
Later, when the child can sit and crawl, being held by adults will become less relevant.
Read also about skin inflammation caused by infrequent diaper changes in children.