Path to longevity. Nutritionist tells what to eat after 40

Researchers have investigated the connection between nutrition at age 40 and its impact on health and mortality at age 70. It is important to avoid certain foods that can take years off your life.
Details of the study
For 30 years, scientists have been observing:
- 70,467 women
- 36,464 men
All people were free of chronic diseases at the beginning of the study.
In the study, researchers found that people who followed a healthy diet from age 40 onward were 43% to 84% more likely to perform well physically and mentally at age 70 compared to those who did not.
It's not just the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates that matters, but what foods they come from.
According to nutritionist Olha Dorosh, a diet dominated by animal fats or proteins accelerates mortality. Whereas a diet rich in vegetable fats and proteins will prolong human life.
For example, too low a carbohydrate intake leads to a decrease in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
To live longer, a person should eat more:
- vegetables and fruits
- whole grain products
- legumes
- nuts and seeds
- low-fat dairy products
Avoid or partially exclude from the diet:
- simple carbohydrates (including sugar)
- foods rich in salt
- saturated fats (so do not stew everything in sour cream, cream, or lard, choose dairy products of moderate fat content, cut off excess fat from meat, etc.)
- ideally avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated fats)
More nuts
It is worth eating nuts regularly because they are rich in vegetable protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are associated with a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and overall mortality.
More fish and less sausages
The predominance of plant-based proteins (legumes, tofu) in the diet will give you a better chance of healthy aging.
Fish, eggs and poultry should prevail over red meat.
"We minimize sausage products to reduce the consumption of excessive salt and saturated fats," the nutritionist added.
Plant foods rich in polyphenols
Polyphenols are a group of natural compounds found in plant-based foods:
- fruits, vegetables
- coffee, tea, cocoa
- soy products
- grains, nuts, legumes
- greens
Eating them contributes to a healthier microbiome and better physical and mental health.
What determines longevity
It's important to remember that healthy longevity depends not only on diet but also on other factors such as
- lifestyle
- smoking cessation
- regular physical activity maintaining a normal weight
- avoiding or drinking alcohol in moderation
This can potentially increase disease-free life expectancy by about 8-10 years.
As people age, they are more susceptible to
- non-communicable diseases
- diseases of the cardiovascular system
- loss of muscle mass
- nutrient deficiencies
Earlier we reported about 5 frozen foods that are good for the brain.
Sources: Instagram page of nutritionist Olha Dorosh and Upi website.
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