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Partisans report surveillance of Su-34 jets at Voronezh's Baltimore airfield

Partisans report surveillance of Su-34 jets at Voronezh's Baltimore airfield Part: Partisans reconnoiter the airfield in Voronezh (Getty Images)

Partisans conducted reconnaissance at the "Baltimore" airfield in Voronezh, where Russians stored Su-34 aircraft, according to the partisan movement Atesh.

Our movement achieved a significant breakthrough by successfully infiltrating an agent into the 47th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment, a key unit stationed at the Baltimore airfield in Voronezh, as stated in the message.

According to the partisans, the Baltimore airfield houses Su-34 fighter bombers that are striking Ukraine.

"Some of them are now awaiting surprises from the occupiers," says Atesh.

Use of Su-34 in the war

Recently, in Russia, there were claims about the supposed "first use" of the FAB-3000 M-54 aerial bomb. The Russian militants may have modified Soviet weaponry by outfitting it with a new module.

As clarified by Defense Express, the main issue remains the carrier of these FAB-3000 with UMPK, "although it is obvious that we are talking about the frontline bomber Su-34," which can purportedly carry ammunition weighing up to 4 tons on its central pylon.