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Partisans in Mariupol - Mayor's advisor revealed elimination of 21 Russian soldiers

Partisans in Mariupol - Mayor's advisor revealed elimination of 21 Russian soldiers Russian military personnel in the occupied Mariupol (photo: GettyImages)

In the temporarily occupied Mariupol and its surrounding areas, the Resistance Forces continue to operate actively. Partisans have reportedly eliminated dozens of Russian occupiers over the summer, according to Mariupol's deputy mayor Petro Andriushchenko and the Telegram channel "Mariupol.Resistance."

According to information provided by representatives of the Resistance Forces summarizing the results of the "Ukrainske Lito" in Mariupol, with confirmation from Russian media and public sources, it is reported that 21 Russian military personnel were eliminated on the territory of the city and its surrounding areas.

The article specifies that the destruction of enemy personnel occurred, in particular, through poisoning.

Furthermore, Andriushchenko also highlights the explosions in the Mariupol area, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of occupiers.

"If we add the casualties and injuries from the double cotton explosion in Yuriivka, the total count of "good" Russians will be in the hundreds," he noted.

The activities of partisans in Mariupol

Despite the Russian occupiers considering Mariupol in the Donetsk region their rear area and transforming it into a military base, the city experiences regular explosions and fires. This is because there is a well-developed partisan movement in the city.

For example, at the end of August, local partisans set fire to a Russian base in Mariupol. As a result, the occupiers lost at least four vehicles.

In mid-August, the Resistance Forces in Mariupol also set fire to an occupant base.

Earlier, the mayor's advisor, Petro Andriushenko, reported that the occupiers had intensified checks on the local population in Mariupol and were conducting so-called "cleansing" operations.