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Over 800 guided bombs and 300 drones launched by Russia in Ukraine over the week - Zelenskyy

Over 800 guided bombs and 300 drones launched by Russia in Ukraine over the week - Zelenskyy Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that over the past week, Russia has used more than 800 guided aerial bombs (KABs) and nearly 300 drones against Ukraine. Additionally, the occupiers launched around 30 missiles.

"Over this week, the Russians have used about 30 missiles of various types, more than 800 guided aerial bombs, and nearly 300 strike drones against Ukraine," Zelenskyy said.

The president believes that Ukraine needs strong support from its partners to defend against Russian terror.

"Air defense, long-range systems, support for our warriors—everything that will help force Russia to end this war. And I thank everyone in the world who understands this. I thank the partners who are helping and supporting us," Zelenskyy added.

Russia's attack on Ukraine

On the night of September 15, Russian forces attacked Ukraine with a missile and drones. In particular, air defense was active in the Mykolaiv region.

Air defense shot down a Kh-59 missile and 10 out of 14 kamikaze drones. Meanwhile, in Kharkiv, a Russian attack damaged a polyclinic building, and a fire broke out at an educational institution. Fortunately, there were no casualties.