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Orbán gives EU leaders his 'peace plan' for Russia's war against Ukraine with goals and deadlines

Orbán gives EU leaders his 'peace plan' for Russia's war against Ukraine with goals and deadlines Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has submitted his "peace plan" regarding Russia's war against Ukraine to EU leaders, complete with objectives and timelines, according to the Hungarian Prime Minister's political director, Balazs Orbán, according to RBC-Ukraine, referencing Magyar Nemzet.

"There are two warring parties, Ukraine and Russia, and three or four major or middle powers that can play a decisive role as mediators. These are the United States, Europe, China, and, for instance, Türkiye, which has helped achieve a partial agreement on the Black Sea grain corridors," he said.

Orbán emphasized that these countries are the primary and key players when it comes to real peacebuilding.

"We have been everywhere to determine how great and what the chances for peace are. Initially, the peace mission visited the two war-torn countries. From these trips, it became clear that Ukraine and Russia are very determined to fight, and without the involvement of external mediators, unfortunately, we will see very brutal destruction in the coming months," he said.

The Hungarian Prime Minister's representative added that China and Türkiye are committed to peace, making them potential mediators.

"Donald Trump is also committed to peace, so if he becomes the President of the United States again, he will soon broker peace himself. But Europeans and the current US administration are in favor of continuing the war," he said.

According to him, Orbán reached out to the leaders of the European Council with a letter detailing the progress of negotiations, experiences from the first phase of the peace mission, and Hungarian proposals.

"If Europe wants peace, wants to have a decisive voice in resolving the war and ending the bloodshed, it must now develop and implement a change in direction," he said.

According to him, this is essentially Orbán's plan for resolving the Russia-Ukraine war.

"Yes, this is essentially Orbán's plan, which is now on the table of every EU Prime Minister. A realistic assessment of the situation, realistic goals, and corresponding timelines—this is our approach," he said.

Orbán's 'peace' tour

On July 2, Viktor Orbán visited Kyiv, where he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. During the meeting, the Hungarian Prime Minister urged Zelenskyy to cease fire and agree to peace talks.

On July 5, Orbán traveled to Moscow, where he held talks with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. The content of these talks remains undisclosed.

After Moscow, Orbán proceeded to China, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Following this, he stated that Russia and China support the initiation of negotiations to end the war in Ukraine and hope for their commencement by the end of this year.

In turn, the European Union criticized Orbán's actions as they were not coordinated with other EU members, and Orbán does not have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the entire bloc.