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Only 4 zodiac signs to say goodbye to dark period

Only 4 zodiac signs to say goodbye to dark period Which zodiac signs will be lucky this weekend (photo:

The last days of this week will be truly magical for representatives of four zodiac signs. They will be able to overcome their problems and bid farewell to their misfortunes.


The Tarot cards suggest that in the coming days, you should focus on tasks that have long been overdue. Try to clear all your debts and tie up loose ends. You’ll have a chance to start anew, so it’s crucial to prepare yourself as thoroughly as possible.

Avoid bringing old issues and problems into this new phase. Say goodbye to your failures and embrace a period of total good fortune. Success is poised to return to your life.


Don’t escalate conflicts and try to make amends with those you’ve wronged. You need to do a bit of karma cleaning. It’s hard to enter a new phase carrying the burdens of the past; feelings of guilt will prevent you from fully spreading your wings.

The bad streak will end by the weekend, so bury the hatchet and avoid provoking new conflicts. Trust me, it’s truly important.


Exciting news is on the way. The Tarot cards indicate that by the end of the week, you might receive an unexpected promotion at work. Additionally, your financial issues will be resolved.

Enjoy a peaceful life and remember to learn from your experiences. Avoid repeating past mistakes, as you probably don’t want to cloud the good streak in your life with the same problems you’ve worked so hard to overcome.


By the end of this week, you should steer clear of adventures and avoid rushing things. A true celebration is just around the corner in your life. However, you could spoil it by demanding instant fulfillment of your wishes from the Universe.

Wait for the good news. It will be a sign that things are starting to improve for the better.

In addition, read the full Tarot horoscope for the rest of the week.

Sources used in this article include: Metro, Your Tango.