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Olenivka terrorist attack: Ex-heads of colony served with notice of suspicion

Olenivka terrorist attack: Ex-heads of colony served with notice of suspicion Terrorist attack in Olenivka (Russian media)
Author: Maria Kholina

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has announced suspicions against former leaders of the Olenivka Colony, who are implicated in the deaths of Ukrainian prisoners of war, citing the SBU press service.

The SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office have identified the involvement of two Russian war criminals in the mass killing of Ukrainian military personnel, which occurred in July 2022 in the temporarily occupied part of Donetsk.

The suspects are Serhii Yevsiukov, the former head of the so-called Volnovakha Colony of the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic - ed.) in the village of Olenivka, and his former first deputy, Dmytro Neyolov.

The investigation found that both suspects were in leadership positions when, on the night of July 29, the occupiers orchestrated explosions at the occupation prison. The shelling resulted in the deaths of at least 50 Ukrainian servicemen, with 9 more dying due to a lack of medical assistance. Nearly 150 people were injured.

According to the evidence, Yevsiukov and Neyolov were aware of the consequences of the explosions and the number of casualties but deliberately delayed the evacuation of the wounded.

Based on the collected evidence, SBU investigators announced suspicions against Yevsiukov and Neyolov under part 2 of article 28 and part 2 of article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (cruel treatment of prisoners of war accompanied by premeditated murder, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy).

In November 2022, both figures were replaced by the occupiers in other positions. Currently, they are wanted in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk.

Olenivka terrorist attack

In July 2022, Russian occupiers organized an explosion at the Olenivka colony, where Ukrainian prisoners of war, including defenders of Azovstal, were held.

According to the Russian side, more than 50 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the explosion.

Intelligence reported that the Russian side did not plan to destroy the Ukrainian soldiers in Olenivka but decided to conduct executions to cover up evidence of torture and poor detention conditions.

In July 2023, it was reported that Ukraine had recovered the bodies of the fallen defenders. According to the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, most of them had been identified.