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'Object' that entered Polish territory during Russian attack turns out as drone

'Object' that entered Polish territory during Russian attack turns out as drone Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

In Poland, officials have stated that the object that entered its territory during the massive Russian attack on Ukraine using strike drones is most likely a drone. Searches for the object are ongoing, reports Reuters.

"Most likely it was a drone and we assume so, because the trajectory of the flight and the speed indicate that it was definitely not a missile," Jacek Goryszewski, spokesperson for the Polish army's operational command, told Reuters.

It was previously reported that during the massive Russian attack on Ukraine using strike drones and cruise missiles, the commander of the Polish Armed Forces announced the penetration of an object into Polish territory. According to him, the object crossed the Polish border at 6:43 AM local time at the latitude of the Ukrainian town of Chervonograd. The general noted that this area has been attacked several times by the Russian side due to the presence of a power plant there.

Not the first incident

This is not the first instance of Russian objects entering NATO territory. In the past, the fall of one such object resulted in the deaths of Polish citizens. However, neither Poland nor NATO, aside from deploying fighter jets during Russian strikes on Ukrainian territory, have taken any specific measures in response to such incidents.

Similarly, the Romanian authorities have reacted in the same manner, even though Russian munitions have also landed on Romanian soil.