Nutritionist reveals 3 key factors for a healthy, effective breakfast

Healthy morning habits impact the body's condition and can aid in combating excess weight. A morning breakfast should be nutritious and balanced, states Ukrainian nutritionist Svitlana Fus on Instagram.
Eat fiber-rich foods
According to the expert, breakfast should include fiber-rich foods, such as whole or rolled grains that are cooked rather than just soaked in hot water or milk. These grains contain more vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which help keep you full for longer.
You can add eggs or cheese, vegetables, fruits, nuts, or avocado to your cereal. It's worth creating a tasty combination that provides both nutritional benefits and enjoyment.
“For example, in the evening, mix rolled oats with natural yogurt (Greek yogurt works too) and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, just add a handful of fruit and a few nuts – breakfast is ready,” the message states.
However, it is important to remember that if you add half a sugar bowl or half a jar of honey to your cereal, it will not only provide a significant amount of fiber but also a lot of empty calories.
Protein for breakfast
When referring to "protein," the focus is primarily on eggs prepared in various ways: scrambled, omelets, soft-boiled, or poached. Be sure to include yolks, which have a choleretic effect important for normal bile system function.
Egg yolks also contain choline, which improves liver function as well as the nervous and circulatory systems. Pair your egg dish with vegetables and a slice of whole-grain bread or some cereal.
You might also make a toast with whole-grain bread and avocado slices.
Avocado is a leader in plant-based fats among fruits and vegetables. This breakfast option is much more filling and healthier than sweet yeast pastries.
Foods that produce peptides
Cottage cheese, hard cheeses, plant protein from legumes, and a piece of red fish are excellent breakfast choices. Such protein-rich foods stimulate the production of peptide YY, which helps you feel full longer.
Choose your breakfast wisely and turn your morning meal into a beneficial habit. Regular breakfasts will help you avoid overeating throughout the day and will be good for both your figure and your health.
Earlier, we also covered 10 foods that can enhance memory.
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