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Nutritionist names most unhealthy product from store

Nutritionist names most unhealthy product from store Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

The more we learn about ultra-processed foods, the more we understand how unhealthy they are for overall health. According to doctors from the American Medical Association, regular consumption of ultra-processed foods can increase your chances of developing conditions such as heart disease and dementia.

Registered dietitian and professor of nutrition at the University of Hawaii, Jinan Banna, has stated that ultra-processed foods generally have high levels of sugar and salt and are made from ingredients that are not typically found in our kitchens.

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If Banna had to choose the number one ultra-processed food to avoid, it would be the popular instant food product. We are talking about instant soups, which are usually sold in packets.

Which food is unhealthy

Banna believes that instant soups, which typically contain noodles and flavorings, usually have a lot of sodium and saturated fats. They also generally have low fiber content.

"This is very unhealthy food," the expert said.

Foods high in sodium or saturated fats can contribute to the development of chronic diseases, such as heart disease.

"Of course, we need some amount of sodium, so we are talking about excessive consumption as a problem. If instant soup is your go-to quick meal, consider choosing canned soup with low sodium and vegetables and beans," she said.

When it comes to sodium and saturated fat content, a good way to understand whether a product is low or high in these nutrients is to use the 5/20 rule.

You can check the daily value, and if it is 5% or less, you can consider it a low source of that nutrient.

If it is 20% or more, it indicates that there is quite a bit of it.

You can also make your own soup at home, which usually contains much less sodium, and you can also add your favorite vegetables and beans for fiber.

Also, there is no need to worry if you consume instant soup very infrequently, as moderation is key.