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Nutritionist names main rule for weight loss

Nutritionist names main rule for weight loss Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

A registered dietitian from New York has revealed that her top tip for weight loss is to eat more frequently throughout the day to avoid reaching for cookies and chips, citing Eating Well.

About weight loss

Dietitian Natalie Rizzo stated that the key to losing weight is avoiding extreme hunger.

"As a matter of fact, the No. 1 habit to lose weight is to eat before you are ravenous," she said.

In her argument for regular eating, Rizzo pointed to a 2022 study that showed consuming a consistent number of calories at regular intervals, such as at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, can increase weight loss success.

Rizzo emphasizes that timing is crucial—if you can't eat at the same time every day, try snacking every three to four hours to prevent hunger attacks.

"This window will allow you enough time to digest your food but prevent you from going so long between meals that you’re ravenous. If you struggle with distractions, set a timer on your phone until eating every few hours becomes second nature," the dietitian advised.

What to eat

Of course, what you eat is also very important. Rizzo suggests prioritizing protein and balancing it with carbohydrates from whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes, along with a bit of healthy fat.

Protein can help you feel full, as it takes longer to digest than other nutrients. It can also help maintain muscle mass, and muscles burn more calories than fat.