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No offensive mentioned: Presidential Office clarifies Yermak's Kharkiv statement to Politico

No offensive mentioned: Presidential Office clarifies Yermak's Kharkiv statement to Politico Photo: Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Presidential Office (OP) clarified the recent statement by the head Andriy Yermak. Specifically, it did not mention an offensive on Kharkiv, according to the comment by Andriy Yermak's press secretary Daria Zarivna.

"In the Politico article, there was talk of missile strikes on Kharkiv. This city is currently the main target for attacks by Russia," she noted.

At the same time, Zarivna emphasized that there had been no mention of an offensive on Kharkiv by the head of the Presidential Office.

What did the head of the Presidential Office say?

In an interview with Politico, Andriy Yermak stated that Russia is preparing for a major offensive and has been striking Ukraine for the past three weeks.

"We know that Putin is preparing a new wave of mobilization and we reckon new counter-offensive operations by the Russians could start at the end of the May or the beginning of June. Of course, we have to be ready for this," Yermak said.

Situation in the Kharkiv region

As previously reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Militry Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, Russian occupiers have intensified shelling in the Kharkiv region. This concerns several districts of the region - Kharkiv, Bohodukhiv, Chuhuiv, Vovchansk, and Kupiansk directions. In particular, Russia deliberately targets Kharkiv with double strikes. The second wave is aimed at law enforcement officers and rescuers who arrive to eliminate the effects of the first wave of shelling.

It should be noted that explosions were heard in Kharkiv overnight on April 6. Hits near residential buildings were recorded. Also, occupiers targeted a store in the Dergachi community of the Kharkiv region. Six people were killed in the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kharkiv, and another 11 were injured.