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Night shelling damages homes, enterprise, and emergency service building in Kharkiv region

Night shelling damages homes, enterprise, and emergency service building in Kharkiv region Photo: the place where the bomb hit in the village of Chaykivka, Kharkiv region (

In the Malodanylivka community of the Kharkiv region, several houses, an enterprise, and the building of the local State Emergency Service were damaged as a result of an enemy strike carried out overnight. The incident occurred in the village of Chaikivka, reports the head of the Malodanylivka community, Oleksandr Hololobov.

There have been no reports of casualties resulting from the shelling by Russian occupiers.

"One of the night attacks hit the village of Chaikivka, with a strike near private residential buildings. Four houses, an enterprise, and the State Emergency Service building were damaged," stated Hololobov in a post on Telegram this morning.

He also shared photos of the aftermath of the strike in the settlement.

У Харківській області через нічний обстріл пошкоджені будинки, підприємство і будівля ДСНС

A sinkhole due to a bomb attack in the village of Chaikivka, Kharkiv region (photo:

It is worth noting that late the previous evening, he reported that enemy shelling had caused damage to houses in one of the settlements within the Malodanylivka territorial community. However, at that time, he did not specify the exact village where the incident occurred.

Night attack with guided bombs on Kharkiv and the region

Earlier, it was reported that on Saturday, September 21, at around 11 p.m., explosions were heard in Kharkiv due to an enemy air attack involving guided aerial bombs.

It was later confirmed that a residential high-rise building in the Shevchenkivskyi district had been hit.

Later, the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office revealed that the enemy had launched three guided bombs (KABs) from a Su-34 aircraft in Belgorod, Russia, and used FAB-250 bombs for the attack. One bomb hit 5 meters away from a 16-story residential building in Kharkiv. The location of the second impact was being determined, while the third struck the residential area in the Malodanylivka community.

According to the latest reports, the shelling in Kharkiv resulted in 21 casualties, including an 8-year-old child and two 17-year-olds.