New French government may face no confidence vote

On Saturday, a new government headed by Michel Barnier was presented in France. However, it is already under the threat of a vote of no confidence, according to BFMTV.
The government under the leadership of Michel Barnier was presented yesterday, September 21, sixteen days after the appointment of the new prime minister.
However, for the first time in the Fifth Republic, the head of government does not have a majority in the National Assembly, even a relative one. This unprecedented situation weakens the political position of the new executive, which now faces a vote of no confidence.
MPs can use this mechanism to dismiss the new government. If the majority supports the motion, the government will be forced to resign.
Meanwhile, Jordan Bardella, who heads the far-right National Unity party, has already made harsh remarks about the new cabinet. According to the publication, this party with 126 MPs in parliament actually holds the fate of the future government in its hands.
For example, Jordan Bardella wrote on social media outlet X that “the new government is just the return of macroeconomicism through the back door,” adding that such a government has no prospects.
Representatives of the left-wing New People's Front announced their intention to pass a vote of no confidence even before the new government was announced. In addition, Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the France Unconquered party, called for the speedy dismissal of what he called the “government of losers.” In his opinion, it has neither legitimacy nor future.
Socialist Olivier Faure called what is happening a “mockery of democracy.”
“We were promised a government of consent, and as a result, we got a cabinet of the hard right. It is democracy that has been humiliated tonight by putting an end to this uncertainty on paper,” said Lucie Castets, a candidate for prime minister from the New People's Front.
The new French Cabinet of Ministers is headed by Jean-Noël Barrot, who is a supporter of assistance to Ukraine. Read more about the appointment of the new government in RBC-Ukraine's article.