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New Dutch Prime Minister assures Zelenskyy he would continue to support Ukraine

New Dutch Prime Minister assures Zelenskyy he would continue to support Ukraine Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a phone conversation with the new Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Dick Schoof. The leaders discussed assistance to Ukraine in the war with Russia, according to the head of the Dutch government on Twitter (X).

As Schoof mentioned, Zelenskyy congratulated the appointment of the new government in the Netherlands. In turn, the Dutch Prime Minister assured that support for Ukraine would remain steadfast.

"We will continue to support Ukraine politically, militarily, and financially against Russian aggression, whatever it takes and for as long as it takes," Schoof added.

He also noted that he looks forward to a personal meeting with Zelenskyy during the NATO summit in Washington, which will take place from July 9-11.

What preceded

Last year, parliamentary elections were held in the Netherlands. The far-right Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders, won the election.

In his election program, Wilders promised not to continue aid to Ukraine. Specifically, he wanted to cease the supply of F-16s to Ukrainian defenders.

Wilders ultimately did not become Prime Minister, as no agreement could be reached within the parliament.

Meanwhile, former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who provided military and economic assistance to Ukraine during his tenure, will become the new NATO Secretary General. He will replace Jens Stoltenberg.