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Natural remedies for wasps: How to repel dangerous insects without chemicals

Natural remedies for wasps: How to repel dangerous insects without chemicals The wasp is a very unpleasant insect (photo:
Author: Daryna Vialko

Wasps can be a real menace in the garden. Even a single sting can be harmful to a person. Therefore, it's important to get rid of wasps at any cost, preferably without using harmful chemicals that could damage plants or pose a danger to you. So, how can you repel or eliminate wasps using natural remedies?

Why Are Wasps Dangerous?

Bees rarely harm people. They usually do so when disturbed near their hive. In contrast, wasps are much more aggressive and can sting people anywhere, whether in natural settings or urban areas.

Why should you be cautious with wasps? Their venom has a strong impact and can seriously threaten a person’s health, regardless of their age. Wasps' venom is especially dangerous for those with hypersensibility or a tendency towards allergies.

Reactions to a wasp sting can range from a simple local allergic reaction to dangerous anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate medical attention.

Another important point is that wasps can sting multiple times. Unlike bees, which leave their stinger and die after a sting, wasps can sting repeatedly and may attack in swarms, becoming increasingly aggressive with each sting.

Waving your hands or shouting loudly won’t scare them away; instead, it only provokes them to attack more intensely.

How to remove a wasp nest?

Wasps typically build their nests in cozy, inconspicuous places, such as under the roof of a house or in the corners of structures. If you find a wasp nest on your property and want to remove it, here are some tips to do so safely and effectively:

Best time for removal

Winter is the best time to remove a nest. During this period, wasps are in a dormant state and less active, so the risk of being stung is minimal. In contrast, summer, when wasps are active and aggressive, is very dangerous for attempting nest removal.

Preparation for nest removal

Before removing the nest, it’s advisable to treat it with an insecticide aerosol a day in advance. This will help reduce the wasps' activity and make the removal process safer.

Safe nest removal

Wear thick protective clothing and gloves to minimize the risk of stings. Once you remove the nest, it should be burned or destroyed in another reliable way to prevent the wasps from returning.

Натуральні засоби від ос: як відлякати небезпечних комах без хімії

Wasps build combs just like bees (photo:

How to get rid of wasps with natural methods

If you want to eliminate wasps using only natural methods, there are several effective ways to do so:

Boiling water

Boiling water is a simple and accessible method for dealing with wasps. Pouring a bucket of boiling water onto a wasp nest will instantly kill a significant number of wasps and destroy their nest. However, it may take several attempts to destroy the nest completely and detach it from where it was attached. Adding dish soap to the boiling water can help slow down the wasps.

Soap solution

Another simple yet effective method is using a soap solution. In a spray bottle nearly filled with water, add a few tablespoons of dish soap. Generously spray the wasp nest with this solution, then quickly leave the area.

Essential oils

Wasps dislike certain scents such as mint, citrus, clove, and lemongrass. Fill a spray bottle with water, add a few drops of essential oil, and spray the areas where you’ve seen wasps. Additionally, you can use candles or sachets with these oils to repel wasps. This method doesn’t kill the insects but keeps them away from specific areas.

Ground coffee smell

Ground coffee has a scent that wasps find repellent. To use this method, place some ground coffee in a metal container and slightly heat it over a fire. This will allow the coffee aroma to spread quickly in the room or outdoor area near the house, repelling the wasps and keeping them away.

Wormwood or mint brooms

Another natural way to combat wasps is by using brooms made from wormwood or mint. You can hang these brooms around the perimeter of your garden or yard. These plants have scents that repel not only wasps but other pests as well. Over time, as the brooms dry out, they should be replaced with new ones to maintain their effectiveness.