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NASA urges probe into Musk's potential contacts with Putin

NASA urges probe into Musk's potential contacts with Putin Photo: Bill Nelson (

The head of the American space agency NASA, Bill Nelson, is calling for an investigation into billionaire Elon Musk. He may have been in regular contact with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin for the past two years, reports CNN.

The head of NASA, Bill Nelson, expressed concern on Friday, October 25, about the possible regular contacts between Musk and Putin. He believes an investigation is necessary.

"If the story is true that there have been multiple conversations between Elon Musk and the president of Russia, then I think that would be concerning, particularly for NASA, for the Department of Defense, for some of the intelligence agencies," Nelson stated.

Some US officials voiced concerns last year regarding Musk's interactions with Russia. However, American intelligence is carefully considering these interactions, as Musk is a US citizen.

Several White House officials told the media that they were unaware of any contact between Musk and Putin. Journalists suggested that details of the negotiations are likely a government secret.

John Kirby, the National Security Council's coordinator for strategic communications, stated on Friday that he had seen reports but that the White House "is unable to confirm" the information. The Pentagon declined to comment on media reports, while the dictator's spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, claimed that Musk and Putin had only one phone call during which they discussed "space and current and future technologies."

Are Musk and Putin in contact?

Recently, The Wall Street Journal published an article stating that American billionaire Elon Musk has been holding secret talks with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. According to the publication, they began contacting each other in late 2022.

Additionally, Musk may have communicated not only with the dictator but also with Russian top officials, including Sergey Kirienko, who is referred to as the "curator" of the occupied regions of Ukraine.

In Ukraine, there is concern over Musk's potential contacts with Putin, especially given that Russia is using smuggled Starlink technology.