Most fickle zodiac signs that are difficult to get along with

Representatives of five zodiac signs can often be overly emotional and inconsistent. Their mood can deteriorate or improve literally in a second, according to the Times Of India.
Representatives of this zodiac sign try to remain calm in any situation. However, they do not always manage to keep their composure. Cancers can change their mind in a second and abandon anything they do not like.
People born under this zodiac sign can be emotional and even hot-tempered. If things do not go their way, they do not hold back. Aquarians can surprise others with their mood swings and often create emotional roller coasters for those around them.
Inconsistent Geminis are ready to run away from all problems, and even the slightest hint of difficulty will make them abandon their goals. Representatives of this zodiac sign fear responsibility and can come to hate anything that seems challenging.
The emotionality of representatives of this zodiac sign manifests in situations where they need to make difficult decisions. Virgos love order, strategies, and plans. However, if they have to choose or change something abruptly, they can quickly lose interest and simply go off the radar.
People born under this zodiac sign can surprise others with sudden mood changes. At first, they are passionate about their favorite activity and ready to devote all their time to it, but within a minute, indifference can be read in their eyes.