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Most dangerous days of March. Calendar of bad days for each zodiac sign

Most dangerous days of March. Calendar of bad days for each zodiac sign Which days of March are the worst (illustrative photo: Freepik)

There are bad days in every month, but if you know in advance what the calendar of dangerous dates will look like, you can avoid many problems. For example, in March, representatives of each zodiac sign will have difficult dates, but not many of them.


Be careful on March 1, 10, 22. Emotional stress can lead to conflicts. It is better not to rush into important decisions and not to overload yourself with work.


You should give up important things on the following dates: March 7, 17, 25. Financial issues can cause stress. Therefore, it is better not to make large purchases or borrow money on these days.


The following days may not be the most successful: March 2, 9, 20. There will be a risk of mistakes and incorrect judgments. Don't rely on rumors and gossip - the information may be false.


In March, you should be especially careful on the 5th, 16th, and 29th. Emotional instability can affect relationships with loved ones. These days, it's better not to make decisions based on emotions.


Be vigilant on March 3, 14, 27. These days are definitely not suitable for new beginnings. You should avoid impulsive actions and be careful with your promises.


Be especially vigilant on March 6, 18, 28. On these days, the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors in documents will increase. It is better to check all important papers twice.


Your unlucky days: March 1, 12, 23 Doubts and uncertainty can interfere with decision-making. It's best not to take on too much responsibility on these dates.


Be careful on March 4, 15, 30. Conflicts with others may arise. That's why you should avoid hot topics in conversations and not get caught up in emotions.


Give up important things on March 8, 19, 26. The risk of getting into an unpleasant situation will be too high. These days, it's better not to agree to adventures and not to trust strangers.


You are unlikely to be lucky on March 5, 11, 24. On these days, you may experience increased fatigue and lack of energy. It's important for you to take care of your health and not overwork yourself.


Your dangerous days: March 9, 13, 31. There may be disagreements in the family and at work. It's best to avoid heated discussions and avoid giving rise to arguments.


Be careful on March 2, 21, 27. On these days, it's better not to rely on your intuition - there's a risk of making a mistake. You should also be more careful in financial matters.

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Sources: lunar calendar,