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Moldova introduces state of alert in gas sector due to fighting in Kursk region

Moldova introduces state of alert in gas sector due to fighting in Kursk region Photo: Moldova introduces state of alert in the gas sector due to fighting in the Kursk region (Getty Images)

The Moldovan Emergency Situations Commission has declared a state of alert in the country's gas sector due to the risk of gas supply disruptions caused by military actions in Russia's Kursk region, NewsMaker reports.

According to reports, the commission reviewed information provided by the Ministry of Energy about the potential risk of gas supply disruptions due to military actions in the area of the Sudzha gas measurement station, through which gas is supplied to Moldova.

As a result, it was decided to implement preventive measures to ensure the country's energy security.

"Commission members noted that there are currently no disruptions or serious risks of disruptions. The introduction of the state of alert will give the responsible agencies the necessary tools for thorough monitoring and prompt intervention if needed," the commission's decision stated.

Fighting in the Kursk region

On August 6, Russians accused Ukrainian forces of a breach of the border in the Kursk region. Fighting has been ongoing there for the third day.

Russian Telegram channels report that Ukraine has allegedly taken control of several settlements and is advancing. Meanwhile, Russia has reportedly lost control over 350 square kilometers of its territory.

It is worth noting that Ukrainian authorities and military have not yet confirmed their involvement in the events in the Kursk region.