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Missing these three foods can increase aggression

Missing these three foods can increase aggression The lack of which products increases aggressiveness in a person (photo:

Aggressiveness and cruelty are influenced by many factors, including upbringing, heredity, and a person's character. However, scientists have identified another unexpected factor that can also affect a person's psychological state: the absence of certain foods and elements in the diet. The journal Elsevier reports which missing foods in the diet can make a person aggressive and cruel.

According to researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, a lack of certain foods can lead to increased aggression and irritability. Specifically, they point to the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as fish, flax seeds, and walnuts.

Including these three foods in your regular diet can significantly reduce instances of aggression, cruelty, violence, and irritation.

Scientists analyzed over 20 studies focused on the impact of omega-3 on the human body and found that regular intake of these saturated fatty acids can reduce aggression by 30%.

Earlier studies have shown that omega-3 significantly improves brain function, and now scientists suggest that this same substance may correct mechanisms that play a role in the onset of anger and cruelty.

Professor Adrian Raine, a neurocriminologist at the University of Pennsylvania, asserts that adding omega-3 to the diet will not be a panacea for violence in society but will help reduce aggression and irritation in people, especially those predisposed to it.

The main sources of omega-3 include:

  • Fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, red fish, sardines, cod, perch)
  • Seafood
  • Flax seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Flaxseed or hemp oil
  • Chia seeds
  • Soybeans
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Spinach
  • Seaweed

Additionally, fish oil supplements can be taken regularly, but only after consulting a doctor.

Professor Raine has spent over ten years studying the connection between omega-3 and aggressive behavior. His latest work combined data from 29 previous studies, which included nearly 4,000 individuals with an average age of around 21 years, who consumed 1.18 grams of omega-3 over approximately 16 weeks.

The results showed a 30% reduction in aggression among participants, regardless of their age, gender, or psychological state.

While the observed effect of omega-3 intake was short-term, this research opens new possibilities for a deeper analysis of the relationship between diet and behavioral changes.

Scientists emphasize the importance of proper nutrition in the context of reducing socially undesirable behavior.

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