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Military equipment found on trains from Kaliningrad to Moscow in Lithuania

Military equipment found on trains from Kaliningrad to Moscow in Lithuania Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Lithuanian customs have intensified inspections of passenger trains traveling from Kaliningrad to Moscow. As a result, they discovered several consignments of military equipment concealed among ordinary cargo, reports Delfi.

Among the discovered items were camouflage trousers, camouflage nets, and other military uniforms.

According to customs officials, such shipments are likely intended for the Russian armed forces involved in the war against Ukraine and have been repeatedly sent by civic organizations from the Kaliningrad region.

The largest find was made on October 2 at the Kibartai railway station, where a shipment of camouflage trousers was discovered in the postal carriage of the Kaliningrad-Moscow train. Earlier, from September 27 to 29, customs officers detained several consignments of camouflage nets along the same route.

The confiscated goods were handed over by Lithuanian customs as aid to Ukraine.

Recently, a transit train traveling from Moscow to Kaliningrad was stopped at the Lithuanian border due to Russian military symbols Z displayed on it. Train movement was resumed only after the train's conductor and crew removed these symbols.